Blog 22_ League Tables
There are some league tables you want to be near the top of. For example, if you are a GAA fan, you want to see your county team near the top of the Allianz League Division 1. Similarly, if a soccer fan, seeing the team you support near the top of the Premier League is desirable. Ditto for rugby and other sports.
Recently, in a league table for most congested city in Europe, Dublin took the bronze medal position behind London and Paris. That is one league table you don't want to be near the top of. Letter writers to the media have had a field day, congratulating Dublin City Council on their "success" in blocking off roads, changing traffic light sequencing, inserting unused cycle lanes etc., in order to create semi-permanent traffic jams.
Another league table Ireland is close to the top of is easiest western country in which to get a passport. Currently, those residing here legally , perhaps work permit holders, can apply for an Irish passport after 5 years. For successful asylum applicants, the residency requirements are even less.
An irish passport enables holders to travel, live and work in all EU countries and in the UK. It is one of the most powerful and accepted passports in the world. So much so that, in intelligence circles, it is widely acknowledged that both the CIA and Mossad have used fake Irish passports on missions in the past. Oliver North used fake Irish documents to enter Teheran in 1980 during the Iran-Contra affair.
Perhaps it would be ok to slip a few places down the passport list? Let's make that 10 years minimum residency for all new applicants, similar to the rules obtaining in Italy and Spain. We want new citizens to integrate into our society and become "more Irish than the Irish themselves". What about adding a citizenship test as well to ensure a basic working knowledge of English or Irish, together with an understanding of our culture, our politics and our democratic values?