Blog 11_ Climate
Climate change is the existential issue of our time. The signs are not encouraging. Addressing the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro last year, The President of Cop29 in Baku reminded them that they account for 80% of the world's emissions. Worryingly, none of the G20 countries are on target to meet the reductions required by the Paris 2030 accords.
We can break down the G20 further and say that 6-10 countries essentially control the future of the world's climate: China, India, Russia plus a few others.
While Ireland agonises over the closure of its one coal-fired power station (Moneypoint), China and India operate between them currently over 1,500 and are busy installing one new one each week (over 80% of the world's coal is now burned in Asia).
Adding to the problem is that the use of energy in the world is increasing rapidly. According to the IEA (International Energy Agency) the total energy used in the world increased by 50% between 2002 and 2022 and they predict a further 50% increase between now and 2050.
It no longer sounds unreasonable to suggest that, at the present rate of progress, the Net zero transition worldwide could take up to 100 years with all that that entails. The Climate scientists have made clear what will happen: more extreme weather events, including the likelihood of much heavier rainfall here in winter, exacerbated by rising sea levels. Ireland will need to get very good at flood protection and soon.