Blog 10_Values

I’ve been receiving emails asking me for my position on the “hot button” issues facing society, from transgenderism, through assisted suicide, conscientious objection, to hate speech legislation and abortion.

For many correspondents the issue they mention is a “key decider” for them. They want to know where I stand, because my answer on that one issue will decide their vote, they tell me. Some say they are very happy with my other policies and proposals, but cannot vote for me without knowing my position on that one issue.

On both sides of the debate on such topics, there are often great depths of feeling. Each side considers itself acting with the best intentions, for the greater good of the individual and of society. Therefore each side often feels that views that disagree with theirs are deplorable.

The fact that such issues have dominated my e-mails is a further pointer to the depth of feelings on them.

While the concerns are many, and distinctions can be made, I believe life is better than death; that, except in extraordinarily-rare cases, a human is born male or female; that a person should not be forced to act against their deepest convictions and that it is unhealthy for democracy if governments impose inappropriate restrictions on holding and expressing opinions.

General principles such as these would shape the stance I would take on particular proposals coming before the Seanad.


Blog 11_ Climate


Blog 9_ Facts